Mostly Ghostly
Mathew Fisher (Filmmaker) and Ray Boutin (Medium/Spiritual Guru) talk Paranormal, Spiritual and all other subjects of the bizarre and unexplainable.
3 years ago

S1E48 -Life Imitating Death with Ethan Rodgers

The boys sit down with filmmaker Ethan Rodgers to discuss the weird things he's encountered in life and on set.

3 years ago

S1E47 -Questions from Beyond the Web

Happy Thanksgiving! In a change up of form the boys take questions from the social media world. A little bit of everything is asked making for a fun and interesting Go!

3 years ago

S1E46 -Be Right Back... I Gotta Go Tap!

Ray and Mat sit down and discuss the stories of Dying and the places you see before the return trip back.

3 years ago

S1E45 -More Unexplainable Phenomena Explained

After a successful run at Explaining the Unexplained last week, the boys return for round two to tackle some more Unexplainable Phenomena and flip it into a realm of reality.

3 years ago

S1E44 -Unexplainable Phenomena Explained

Ray and Mat sit down and rifle through Some of the most Unexplainable Phenomena and well ... Try to Explain it.

3 years ago

S1E43 -Urban Legends Firing Squad

Mat and Ray set up the Urban Legends and Fire Down the ones they believe to be old timey, grade A, rat soup eating BS!

3 years ago

S1E42 -Oozing Malochio! Say Hello to the Bad Eye

The boys sit down and discuss the belief of the Malochio or better known as The Evil Eye.

3 years ago

S1E41 -Vampire's Fact or Fiction

Ray and Mat sit down and discuss the folklore and possibilities of truth to the famed, notorious blood sucker entities known as Vampires.

3 years ago

S1E40 -What in tarnation is Reincarnation?

The Boys dive deep into the belief and journey of reincarnation.

3 years ago

S1E39 -Spiritual House Cleaning

Mat and Ray talk about What it takes to clean your house of negative houseguests of the spiritual and paranormal kind.